Guaranteed Bed Bug Heat Treatment

The most effective extermination method.

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Discreet Heat Treatment

Unmarked Vehicles & Uniforms

100% Bed Bug Elimination

6 Month Guarantee


Eco Friendly & Non Toxic

No dangerous Pesticides

Structural & Operational Pest Control Licenses

Full Liability Insurance

Why Bed Bug Heat Treatments?

Heat treatments are proven to be the best way to get rid of an entire bed bug infestation.

During a bed bug heat treatment, all furniture, belongings, floors, and the ambient temperature is raised to 55-65 degrees Celsius. Bed bugs, including their eggs, die at 50 degrees and are not resistant to heat.

We ensure that the entire home is heated to lethal temperatures while thoroughly moving all furniture and personal belongings.  We do this to eliminate all cold areas where bed bugs could survive.

Do Chemical Treatments Work For Bed Bugs?

Bed bug exterminators need to directly hit bed bugs with conventional chemicals for any effect, and studies have shown that bed bugs have become increasingly resistant to thesechemical pesticides.

Bed bugs hide and lay eggs in small, hard to reach areas that are often missed or cannot be penetrated from direct spray applications.

Professional chemical sprays can be effective at minimizing a bed bug infestation but often fail at eliminating the entire population.

Bed Bug Heat Relief